Puppy Crate Training: Essential Do’s & Don’ts

As a dog owner, you may have wondered how to keep your furry friend comfortable when it comes to crate training. While crate training is an essential tool in ensuring your puppy’s safety and well-being, it requires patience, discipline, and proper techniques. As a social media manager for Sierra Canine, we've picked the essential do’s and don’ts to make the process easier for you and your pet. Keep reading to learn about effective puppy crate training methods.

Do Use the Right Size Crate

When it comes to crate training, choosing the right size is indispensable. Choose a crate that is spacious enough for your puppy to stand, turn around and lay down comfortably in. A crate that is too small can make your pup feel uncomfortable and anxious, while a crate that is too big can give adequate space for your puppy to relieve itself. Therefore, it's vital to measure your furry friend's size and match it with the perfect crate size.

Don't Force Your Puppy into the Crate

One of the most crucial don'ts in crate training is forcing your puppy to get inside the crate. This can cause anxiety and develop negative feelings toward the crate. Instead, entice your puppy with his favorite toy, a treat, or even a meal to associate positivity with the crate. Gradually encourage him to spend longer time in the crate by closing the door for short intervals.

Do Gradually Increase the Time in the Crate

Puppy crate training requires patience and a gradual increase in time your puppy spends in the crate. Start by crate training for short periods and gradually increase as your puppy becomes comfortable. As your puppy starts to feel increasingly secure in the crate, you can extend the time until your puppy feels comfortable sleeping or spending time in the crate.

Don’t Use the Crate as a Punishment

Using the crate as punishment is a major don't in crate training and can cause your pup to develop negative associations with the crate. Additionally, avoid leaving your puppy in the crate for extended periods or overnight, which can lead to feelings of isolation and sadness. Give your furry friend plenty of attention and exercise, and only use the crate as a tool to provide a safe space when you are unable to supervise him.

Crate training is a must-have tool when raising a puppy, as it provides safety and security for your furry friend. By following the listed do’s and don’ts, you can make the crate training process as stress-free for your pet as possible. Remember to give your puppy time, patience, and affection, and only use the crate as a means to keep your pet safe. With the right techniques and approach, your puppy will be sleeping soundly in his crate in no time!

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As a dog owner, you may have wondered how to keep your furry friend comfortable when it comes to crate training. While crate training is an essential tool in ensuring your puppy’s safety and well-being, it requires patience, discipline, and proper techniques. As a social media manager for Sierra Canine, we've picked the essential do’s…